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Procuring Identity Documents Laws in Canada

Procuring identity documents is covered under s. 56.1(1)  of the Criminal Code found in Part II. Part II covers “Offences Against Public Order”. A procuring identity documents charge occurs when an individual, without lawful excuse, procures to be made, possesses, transfers, sells or offers for sale identity documents. The identity documents in question must relate or purport to relate, in whole or in part, ...

Fraudulent Use of Citizenship Certificate Laws in Canada Explained

Fraudulent use of a citizenship certificate is covered under s. 58(1) of the Criminal Code found in Part II. Part II covers “Offences Against Public Order”. A fraudulent use of citizenship certificate occurs when a person uses a certificate of citizenship or certificate of naturalization for fraudulent purposes. This provision is also triggered when a person knowingly parts with their validly issued citizen certificate ...

Forgery of or Uttering Forged Passport Laws in Canada Explained

What is a forgery of or uttering forged passport charge? Forgery of or uttering forged passport is covered under s. 57(1) of the Criminal Code found in Part II. Part II covers “Offences Against Public Order.” A forgery of or uttering forged passport charge occurs when a person, whether they are inside out outside Canada, forges a passport or knows a passport is ...

Making Counterfeit Money (s. 449) Laws in Canada

What is Making Counterfeit Money? Making counterfeit money is an offence under Section 449 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Section 449 of the Criminal Code of Canada which deals with making counterfeit money is aimed at protecting the public and financial institutions from fraud relating to currency. Definition “Counterfeit money” includes: a false coin or false paper money that resembles and is ...

Forgery (s. 366, s. 367) Laws in Canada

What is Forgery? Forgery is covered under s.366, and 367 of the Criminal Code. Forgery, sometimes referred to as a “white collar” crime in Canada, includes many acts.  Commonly, forgery entails the alteration of a genuine document, for a fraudulent purpose, that could potentially prejudice or defraud someone else who may later rely on the forged document. Forgery is a hybrid offence in Canada.  ...

Extortion (s. 346 (1)) Laws in Canada

What is Extortion? Extortion is an offence which is covered under s.346(1) of the Criminal Code. Extortion is defined in the Criminal Code as making “threats, accusations, menaces or violence” in order to force the complainant to do something, which usually involves, but is not limited to, paying a sum of money. However, a threat to sue is not considered a “threat” amounting ...

Fraud Laws in Canada

A fraud charge is an umbrella term that can cover a broad range of acts. However, simply put, fraud involves unlawfully and deceitfully taking someone’s property, money or valuable security or any service. It is covered under s. 380 of the Criminal Code. The Criminal Code aims to differentiate the seriousness of the fraud by classifying the act as either fraud over $5,000.00 (s. ...

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