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Break and Enter to Steal Firearm Laws in Canada

Break and enter to steal firearms is covered under s. 98(4) of the Criminal Code, found in Part III. Part III covers “Firearms and Other Weapons.” A break and enter to steal firearms charge occurs when one breaks in or out of a place and steals a firearm. In terms of breaking in, this offence occurs when one breaks and enters into a place ...

Take Motor Vehicle Without Consent Laws in Canada Explained

Take Motor Vehicle without consent  falls under Section 335 of the Criminal Code of Canada. It prohibits a person from taking a motor vehicle that is the property of another person, without consent.  Take motor vehicle without consent differs from theft in that the accused does not intend to deprive the owner of their property and convert it to their own. Rather, take motor ...

Robbery (s. 322 (1)) Laws in Canada

What is Robbery? Robbery is a violent property offence that is considered one of the most serious under Canadian criminal law. Individuals charged with robbery are often subsequently charged with other violent offences including assault and theft. The offence is covered under s. 343 of the Criminal Code of Canada (the “Code”) and is a straight indictable offence, meaning the expected punishment is ...

Theft Laws in Canada

Theft is a type of non-violent property offence that covers a variety of illegal acts, including shoplifting or taking the personal property of a friend, family member or stranger without consent. Theft is covered under s. 322(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada (the “Code”) and is generally divided into two categories: Theft over $5,000; and Theft under $5,000. There are also special categories ...

Fraud Laws in Canada

A fraud charge is an umbrella term that can cover a broad range of acts. However, simply put, fraud involves unlawfully and deceitfully taking someone’s property, money or valuable security or any service. It is covered under s. 380 of the Criminal Code. The Criminal Code aims to differentiate the seriousness of the fraud by classifying the act as either fraud over $5,000.00 (s. ...

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